Posts Tagged aerial banner

Using Aerial Ads to Display Your Message in the Night Sky

What is the last frontier? Is it space as some claim? Is it the oceans? For advertisers, it may well be the sky. It is like an immense surface on which to write a message for all to see. In a way, the sky is the last frontier in advertising. Aerial advertising makes great use of this resource by displaying banners or billboards that are pulled behind planes over large crowds at a beach, sporting event or the like. This way the message is read by a large number of people in a very short time.

Not long ago aerial messages were mostly novelty announcements like wishing someone a happy anniversary or flying a proposal for marriage. But today most of the messages are advertisements for special events coming up, for products or services, or for a political candidate.

These banners or billboards are usually pulled behind airplanes though some with extra large billboards or banners have used helicopters also. Still others write their message on a blimp or use a remote controlled balloon to sell their product. Any way it is done, a message in the sky almost demands to be read by everyone aware of its presence. Advertisers have found aerial ads to be a low cost but effective way to get their message before a large audience quickly.

A more recent form of aerial advertising is night ads. These are lighted messages that can best be read once the sun goes down. One wonders if some of them might be reported as UFO’s though a quick read of the message shows it is genuine and often helpful information.

The display is made in the same way the message on the bank marquee is made, with lights forming the words or numbers. The computerized moving characters appear on the underside of the plane, from wing to wing. One company states the advertising message is displayed on a 36 foot long grid containing 252 lights. Each letter is eight feet tall.

The moving letters are about eight feet high and are made of high intensity individual lights. Like the bank sign, the message can blink on and off, can be made bold, can travel right or left, can scroll up or down, and can sweep right or left. By using a creative variety, the attention of the audience is kept as they wonder what else it will say.

This display, though not yet in color, has several advantages over daytime banner ads. The preparation of the message is just a matter of typing the words or numbers into the computer. The message can be repeated or reworded for variety. There is no need for risky low level flying to get the message into the air as with banners.  The aerial night ad can be longer and contain more information also. A disadvantage is that people are generally indoors at night and less likely to read the message.

Someone interested in this form of advertising should first work on wording their message. It is recommended that it not exceed 45 characters for this is the amount that can be scrolled across the plane during the 17 seconds of a pass. Of course, be sure all the information you want to convey is in those letters. Next, check the internet to see if a company that provides airplane banners is available to the audience you want to target. The effort and expensive will most likely pay off for writing in the sky, whether in daylight or dark, demands to be read.

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What Are the Advantages of Pulling Banner Ads with Helicopters?


If you have ever been to a beach or sporting event, you might have seen a banner or billboard pulled behind a plane, advertising something. These signs tell of products or services, announce a special event, tell where to find further information (like a webpage), display political ads, and are used many other ways.

Probably these banner or billboard ads you saw were pulled behind a small single engine prop plane. Such a plane has sufficient power to pull the extra weight as well as the drag of the banner. But some companies offer banner ads that are pulled behind helicopters. This idea has pros and cons over the standard airplane.

First, helicopters are of course, much more versatile than planes. This makes them much more difficult to fly than airplanes. Therefore, special pilot training is required and this means greater expense. This maneuverability of the helicopter also demands much more from the engine. This means higher fuel costs and, again, more expense to the renter.

Normally when banner ads are pulled behind an airplane, the audience has an average of 17 seconds to read the message. Helicopters can fly more slowly and even hover to provide a longer viewing time. However, when pulling a banner, the speed must be great enough to keep the banner flowing and readable. If the billboard is hung below the plane instead of dragged behind, maximum viewing time is provided.

Conventional banner and billboard ad pulling involves attaching a rigid pole or support to the front of the banner so that it stays perpendicular to the ground. With weights attached to the bottom of the banner, it remains readable throughout the flying time.

The other method developed by skydivers is called Sling Load banner pulling. Here the helicopter basically pulls the upper corner of the banner and a weight is attached to the bottom of the leading edge so that it stays vertical. In spite of this weight, however, the ad often distorts as the wind hits it for the lower edge can’t keep up with the top. The weight could be as much as 500 pounds so a safety factor is also involved. Standard banners only require 10-15 pounds of weight to keep them vertical.

The advantage of the helicopter in pulling the banners is in the power of the plane. Because helicopters pull upward, and because their engines are much larger, they are able to pull much larger banners. Instead of the standard 3000 square feet sign, some have pulled banners as large as 50,000 square feet! Single engine planes would not be able to do this.

Both an airplane and a helicopter make enough noise to attract the attention of the spectators. Both methods provide the advantage of having a message presented to a large audience without competition in a very short period of time. And because of the unique presentation, it is almost guaranteed that the people will read it when it is flown overhead.

Once you have followed these principles, it is time to get in touch with an experienced company that provides aerial advertising services and get it printed and into the air. It won’t take long before your well-planned message will be read by thousands and the result in sales will follow.

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